Pediatric Physical Therapy
Physical Therapy Gets Kids Moving!
Welcome to physical therapy at Agape Pediatric Therapy where love, hope and expertise come together to help children grow skills for life.
Pediatric physical therapy focuses on improving strength, postural alignment, coordination, balance, and range of motion. Physical Therapy helps children improve mobility, restore function, and achieve the highest level of functional independence.
PT improves gross motor developmental skills like rolling, sitting, crawling, walking, running, climbing stairs, skipping and jumping. Physical therapy can also improve a child’s endurance, core strength, and ability to keep up and play with their peers. Our physical therapists also help children get medically necessary equipment like wheelchairs, standing frames, gait trainers, and safety beds.
Physical Therapy at Agape may look more like play than hard work. We make PT fun because we know children will be motivated to give their best effort and make the most progress when they are happy and engaged. Therapeutic activities are chosen by our PTs to meet the individual interests, needs, and goals of each child.
Our PT Team is dedicated to helping every child reach developmental motor milestones and achieve their highest level of mobility and independence.